Photography is my profession and my passion. It enables me to capture moments that are valuable, aesthetic, and sometimes surprising. I have the opportunity to see the world through different lenses, both literally and metaphorically. I have the privilege to meet new people, explore new places, and learn new things. Every day is different, every shoot is a challenge, every photo is a story.
Photography is not an easy profession, however. It requires a lot of skill, creativity, and patience. I have to know how to use my equipment, how to compose my shots, how to edit my images, and how to market my work. I have to deal with clients, deadlines, budgets, and competitors. I have to cope with stress, fatigue, and criticism. I have to keep up with the trends, the technology, and the industry.
But I would not trade it for anything. Photography is rewarding, fulfilling, and fun. I get to express myself, share my vision, and make an impact. I get to do what I love, and love what I do.